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Enjoying God Blog

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We write to you today with sorrowful hearts. As many of you know, we both served on the senior leadership team at Metro Christian Fellowship (MCF) alongside Mike Bickle – Michael from 1987-2000 and Sam from 1993-2000. During those years, we were in (what we felt was) close fellowship with Mike and Diane - meeting as couples multiple times every month. This camaraderie continued until such time as Mike stepped down as lead pastor at MCF to form IHOPKC as an independent ministry.

It wasn’t an easy task, but this year I’ve limited myself to the best 10 books of 2023. There are certainly several more that could easily have made my list, but these are the ones that stand out for their excellence. In this article I list the first five. Tomorrow I will cite the other five that made my list. Here are the first five, in no particular order.

Much is being said and speculated about the so-called NAR, or New Apostolic Reformation. Does it exist? If so, what is it? Michael Brown does a good job of unpacking this for us.

Today I want to conclude a two-part meditation on God’s gift to us at Christmas. We are looking at how this is unpacked in Isaiah 9:6-7.

Christmas, for some, can be an especially discouraging time of year. One often hears of those suffering from “seasonal depression” or the “holiday blues” as they contemplate the loss of a loved one, a failed marriage, unemployment and the financial pressure of being unable to provide gifts for their family, or perhaps a child who simply won’t come home. But I have good news for you today! You have a reason to rejoice that far exceeds the combined effect of the difficulties and disappointments you face. The reason comes in the form of seven blessings from God, but not the sort that you find wrapped with ribbon and bow and placed under a tree. Rather, these blessings are embodied in one gift, one person: Jesus Christ.

Not many of you living in the U.S. will recognize the name of David Pytches. But those in the U.K. certainly will. David died on Tuesday last week, November 21. So, if he is relatively unknown here in the states, why am I acknowledging his passing?

In light of recent events in Israel, I was asked to address the question of the timing of the rapture. Let me say up front that I don’t believe there is any clear connection between what is happening in Israel and Gaza and the return of Christ. That said, here is a section from my book, Kingdom Come, that focuses on the primary text to which many appeal in defense of a pretribulation translation of all living saints.